SureWerx Technical Services


SureWerx Technical Services represents industry leading electrical safety product and service providers. We’re helping to save lives by promoting compliance with Workplace Electrical Safety Standards including NFPA 70E & CSA Z462. Since 2008, we’ve demonstrated our ability to successfully combine products and services from multiple vendors to form an unparalleled combination of fit for purpose and turnkey electrical safety solutions ranging from Arc Flash PPE to an Electrical Safety Program implemented as part of an overall occupational health and safety management system.

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Electrical Safety Technical Committees

Our team is heavily involved in numerous electrical safety technical committees in Canada and the USA. We continue to share our expertise and passion for safety through presenting at conferences, workshops, and other events in North America and internationally, and by authoring numerous papers, articles, and publications.


National Fire Protection Association: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (USA)

CSA Z462

Canadian Standards Association Group: Workplace Electrical Safety Standard (Canada)

CSA Z463

Canadian Standards Association Group: Maintenance of Electrical Systems Standard (Canada)

IEEE 1584

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations


American Society for Testing and Materials: Committee on Electrical Protective Equipment for Workers


Underwriters Laboratories of Canada / Standards Council of Canada: Standard on Electric Utility Workplace Electrical Safety


International Electrotechnical Commission: Technical Committee for international standards related to the utilization of tools, equipment, and devices on, and in the vicinity of, live parts of electrical installations and systems

ULC Live Working

Underwriters Laboratories of Canada: Live Working

Frequently Asked Questions

Your organization already follows OH&S Acts, Codes and Regulations at the federal and provincial levels as required by law, and you likely already manage an overarching Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) of policies and procedures relating to all the different types of work tasks and activities your employees perform day to day.

An OHSMS identifies and quantifies hazards, and has appropriate preventive and protective control measures to mitigate or reduce risk to workers. For electrical hazards, this safety management system is called an Electrical Safety Program.

Industry best-practice Standards regarding electrical safety and energized electrical work tasks such as the NFPA 70E in the USA and the CSA Z462 in Canada, among a number of others, include electrical specific processes, policies and procedures.

A compliant Electrical Safety Program should include the following:

  • A Table of Contents, for ease of reference
  • The program’s Purpose, Principles and Scope
  • Roles and Responsibilities defined, including management and contractor expectations
  • Worker training requirements
  • Job safety planning, detailing all formal paperwork required and when to use them
  • Arc flash & shock PPE, tools and equipment management
  • Emergency response plans
  • And much more, depending on your unique operations

Talk to us today about what a compliant Electrical Safety Program might look like for your organization.

Employers and workers alike benefit from a complete and compliant Electrical Safety Program consistent with accepted OHSMS standards and industry best practices.

Employers maximize OH&S due diligence requirements for management of the electrical hazards of arc flash & shock, while reducing liability for the risks involved to workers and third-party contractors.

Worker productivity increases because of more effective and streamlined processes, and employees build confidence in knowing they have management’s support in giving them the tools they need to be successful and therefore helping to keep them safe.

Benefits of an effective Electrical Safety Program include:

  • A complete and compliant program customized to unique operations
  • Implementation to all workers and business units
  • Practical worker training on the program and any updates
  • Yearly program auditing for changes, updates and feedback

Your business keeps moving, and you already have a full-time job. You and your team don’t have the bandwidth to dedicate hundreds and hundreds of hours to developing a much-needed complete and compliant Electrical Safety Program for your organization.

We can help.

We offer an off-the-shelf, turnkey solution you can start to implement today. Our comprehensive package of templated files is ready to go as-is or can be customized as needed to your specific and unique operations.

The core Electrical Safety Program is provided along with instructional files, engineering specifications, training materials, audit documentation, field-level forms, tables, flowcharts, infographics and much more.

Customizing the program can be a do-it-yourself project or fully facilitated by one of our experienced Subject Matter Experts.

We offer a variety of programs that best suit your needs:

  • Small Contractor
  • Single Site Industrial, Commercial or Institutional
  • Enterprise Wide Organization

Call us today to find out which program would work best for your team.

Some organizations already have electrical safety procedures or a program in place, but often do not realize they may be out of date, incomplete or noncompliant based on OH&S regulations and industry best-practice Standards due diligence requirements.

Both the NFPA 70E in the USA and the CSA Z462 in Canada are updated with new editions every three years, and it’s important for your organization to keep your documentation up to date with the latest changes in industry that affect your operations and your workers’ safety.

Is your Electrical Safety Program overdue for an internal audit and an overall update?

  • Use the provided resources in our latest template package to perform a document audit gap analysis on your existing program
  • Use the updated program documentation provided to immediately remedy identified gaps

Are you interested in updating and improving your Electrical Safety Program?

You can easily review and adopt sections of our turnkey Electrical Safety Program, such as:

  • Roles & Responsibilities, including host and contractor management
  • Hazard Identification
  • Risk Assessment & Controls
  • Field forms and job safety planning tools
  • PPE, tools and equipment management
  • Training Matrix
  • Supporting appendices, forms, flowcharts, infographics, etc.

Of course, you may find our complete off-the-shelf Electrical Safety Program has everything your organization needs and choose to adopt it instead of spending time updating your own. In that case, you’ll be that much closer to achieving electrical safety excellence with your company!

Contact us today for a free Electrical Safety Program Compliance Scorecard gap analysis review.

Whether you’re a small contractor or a large industrial, commercial or institutional organization, your workers are performing energized electrical work tasks every day that put them at risk of serious injury.

As a company, that requires you to ensure you have the right documentation in place to outline the processes, policies and procedures that will help to mitigate the risks of electrical hazards.

An effective and compliant Electrical Safety Program provides the necessary foundation your company needs to demonstrate due diligence in protecting your workers.

We created our Electrical Safety Program to help your organization achieve electrical safety excellence.

You may want to use sections of our program to update your own existing documentation, or you may find you want to adopt it in its entirety.

Our team of experienced Subject Matter Experts is ready to help you customize your new Electrical Safety Program to your unique operations and requirements, using our updated package as a starter template.

Similarly, we’re happy to work with you and your existing program to help get your documentation updated and compliant as per your company’s needs.

Talk to us today to learn more.