Polycarbonate IRUV 5.0 Shape B Molded Face Shield Window


Polycarbonate IRUV face shields provide protection from infrared and ultraviolet radiation as well as flying debris chemical splash and high heat work applications.

  • Universal Pin Pattern Mounting System allows use with most brands of headgear
  • Offers ideal protection when working near areas where welding tasks such as torch brazing torch soldering and gas welding are being performed
  • Polycarbonate material offers premium impact protection from flying debris
  • Meets or exceeds ANSI Z87.1+ high impact standards
  • Ideal in heavy manufacturing high impact work areas and anywhere that increased UVA/UVB/UVC protection is necessary
  • Technical Specifications
  • Resources

Bound TypeUnbound
StandardsANSI Z87.1+High Impact
ProtectionCutting, Brazing, Grinding, Splash, Dust, Flying Debris, UV-A, UV-B, UV-C
Window ShapeB
Special FeaturesLatex-free, Recyclable, Reusable, Cold Flexibility, Dielectric
Thickness (in.)0.060"
Window Dimensions (in.)8" x 15" x 0.060"
TintShade 5 IR